Monday, March 11, 2013

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product

Below is the video of our preliminary task called 'The G'. We did this task so it could help us practice making a continuity sequence, we learnt about many different continuity techniques and how to edit a scene sequence which we did not have much experience in. 

 Continuity Techniques

We used a lot of continuity techniques that we learnt from our preliminary task. Below is a table showing how techniques we used in the preliminary were also used in 'Element 115'.

Working as a Group

The preliminary task also helped me work better with others and as a group. I learnt that everyone has different jobs to do and by sharing the workload the overall process is done a lot quicker and more efficiently.


Another thing I learnt from the preliminary exercise was to be very organised and prepared for the production day, it makes the process less complicated and fewer problems to arise on the day due to planning before hand. I especially found planning which order we would film the shots according to their set-up useful, because it allows you to get more filming done in the time you have.  

Other things the prelim helped us learn

The other reason why the prelim helped for when we made 'Element 115', is because we had never made a continuity action sequence before. We had produced a trailer before so knew how to use the Adobe Premier editing software, but the prelim gave us some practice before hand. So when we made 'Element 115' we knew what rules we had to follow when making the piece and felt more confident filming it. We also had a bit more practice using our test shoot.

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