Tuesday, March 19, 2013

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

The rating of our film is 15- this is due to the many scenes with very bloody and gory visuals, as it will not be appropriate for younger audiences. We also explore the apocalyptic world and in order to be as realistic as we can with our approach, we had to restrict younger ages from viewing the film.

Primary Target Audience
Secondary Target Audience
16 - 24 year old male audiences.

We chose our primary audience to be the 16 - 24 year old males mainly because it is one of the biggest markets out there when it comes to films, as this is the age group who go to the cinema the most.

It is also the age group and gender which our film will   appeal to the most. This is due to themes which have come up in previous Zombie films and games such as ‘Call of Duty’.

The main actors in the film are of a similar age to the audience, allowing them to relate to them and look up to some of the positive representations of them- such as the selfless act to save people’s life.

Secondary Audience- Older fans of both Zombie and Action films of both genders and 16 - 24 year old female audiences.

The Zombie-Action genre is very successful and has been enjoyed by people of all groups, so it’d be a massive flaw if we were to isolate them from this film and narrow down the target audience too far.

The film follows many conventions of the genre; therefore older audience can still be familiar with the genre.

Later in the film a female protagonist is introduced, she will be an aspirational character and therefore appeal to the 16-24 female audience.

Our film will be British film as mentioned before, so it'll definitely target many British audiences as well as the primary audience and secondary audience.

One of the biggest British markets our film will attract is the British Asian community. The starring of a British Asian playing the lead role is one of our strong USPs and this will definitely attract this market as previous British Asian films such as 'Bend It Like Beckham', 'Slumdog Millionaire' and 'Bride and Prejudice'. Audiences like this ethnic diversity to films and this is evident from the success of these films.

The film will be marketed in appropriate way to ensure we reach the audience, so the rapid growth of viral marketing will play a big role, as our primary audience are very native to social networks, this will work well to our advantage. To ensure we widen our audience reach and get out to our secondary audience and other potential audiences we will have the more traditional forms of marketing such as TV spots, bill boards etc.

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