Tuesday, March 19, 2013

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

We ensured we attracted our audience successfully, therefore we had to do our research and understand what our target audience want in their films, and we then applied this to our film. We also decided to apply our knowledge of uses and gratification.

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Audience Pleasure:

We deliberately included many elements in our film just so they appeal to our intended target audience as well things they'd enjoy.

  • The action we included in our opening sequence would definitely appeal to our intended our audiences especially the primary audience. We ensured we had a  variety of different types of guns shots, as we didn't just want similar shots of the Zombies dying- therefore we had a scope view one, an over the shoulder shot and so on. 
  • The build up of tension is something audience will enjoy/enjoyed. This is what I got from my feedback. The way the Zombies got closer was something people liked. 
  • The variety of different camera shots we have will allow the audience to engage with the action as they get closer therefore feel involved. 
  • Daniel dying, although may not be a positive thing, was something which we thought would be appreciated by the audience, and therefore they will sympathise for him- again ensuring they are engaged throughout. 
  • We made the zombies as realistic as possible, therefore we'd be able to make the audience fear them and that'd be a sign of us reaching our target of getting a realistic outcome on the Zombie make-up. 

Suspension of disbelief worked well in our film, except with two things initially. When the Zombies came closer it'd be a natural and realistic thing for Maran to shoot the Zombies, which we didn't do and we only see Maran shooting one Zombie.  The one thing we couldn't fix was how realistic the explosion at the end was, realistically the fence should have also been exploded and this is where some struggled to suspend their disbelief, which is understandable.

It was important to ensure our film was made as realistic as possible therefore we wanted to make the Zombie make-up look real. This is so the audience are more likely to suspend their disbelief . We also got positive feedback for the realism to an certain extent.

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We would attract our audience through a variety of different marketing techniques.

We would attract our audience through a variety of different marketing techniques. We intend to follow a traditional form of marketing by setting up a viral campaign on both Facebook and Twitter. Considering our budget we will create a game to target a core audience, such a first person shooter. We will create both TV spots and a theatrical trailer.    

After I did screening of our film to a variety of different people of both genders and different ages I got them to fill out a questionnaire. Below I have attached a few of the many questionnaires including both genders and a variety of age group.

From this it was clear we were successful with some things and not so successful with others.

  • Many liked the way we constructed our shots, and the overall direction of our opening sequence. This shows how much we benefited from our re-shoot and rethinking our shot types. 
  • There was a clear divide when it came to the success of the special effects such as the gun shots and explosion. Some said the explosion looked a bit 'fake', this is something which we expected as we thought the same as the fence should have gone flying too. 
  • Our narrative seemed to be simple yet effect as the majority understood the over plot and weren't confused and this is a positive. 
  • When it came to the genre they thought our film was there was a huge variety between Zombie, Action and Horror. Although most of them mentioned one or two of these not many said Zombie, so this could be something we would improve on. 

Below I have attached a few of the many questionnaires including both genders and a variety of age groups.

Audience Feedback

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