Saturday, February 16, 2013

Script for Element 115

This is the script for our 2 minute opening sequence, he shows the dialogue we will use for our actors.

Daniel: Let’s get back to the camp, we’ve seen nothing for hours.

Jeremy: Hold up, look ahead.

Daniel: What?

Jeremy: Walkers, a whole group.

Daniel: How many?

Jeremy: 6 I can see…

Daniel: Reckon we can take them?

Jeremy: Should be good, alright, get down.   

Daniel: I’ll take the 3rd from the left.

Jeremy: Ok, about 100 yards. Nice shot.

Daniel: One on the right now.

Jeremy: Slow easterly wind. They’re getting closer.

Daniel: Ok, cover me. I’m done, let’s move.

Jeremy: We’ve gotta move fast, they’re really close.

Daniel: Alright.

Jeremy: Quick through the gate.

Daniel: Damn, it’s locked.

Jeremy: Give me a leg up.

Daniel: I can’t make it. Open the gate.

Jeremy: I can’t, it’s locked.

Daniel: Get back!

Initially our script was very simple and minimal, this wasn't good as we lacked interaction between the two charcters, however this our developed one which higlights characteristics of the two charcters.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Feedback on rough cut

After our shoot with all the Zombies we created a rough cut of our film opening, however our outcome wasn't up to our intended standard.


  • Lack of shot variety, too many wide angles and hardly any close ups.
  • Continuity errors. 
  • Wrong shot types- a shot from behind the Zombies.
  • Not many conventional shots, such as the sniper view, binocular view etc. 
  • Not enough Zombies.
We therefore have to plan new shots, and ensure we pay attention to details. Organise more Zombies and have a clear plan in place for our re-shoot. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

The sniper we bought

In the end due to our preferred sniper being out of stock we had to go with a less desired gun with a sniper scope on. This still looks a little like a sniper and should be easy to tell what it is. This was cheaper than our original so gives us a larger budget to spend on other things.

The fake grenades we will buy

We have searched for replica grenades but they are very hard to find or very expensive, so we decided to look for toy grenades instead. This led to many more findings and them being a lot cheaper. We found a few fully plastic ones but decided that we would prefer to go with the more realistic looking half metal ones. The best ones we found where we have backup grenades as well was on amazon.

As we get multiple grenades it makes it better as if one breaks we have another as back-up.